temporal property การใช้
- How can one predicate temporal properties of these momentary temporal parts?
- In 968, the Bishopric of Merseburg was founded, which had as temporal property inside the Hassegau only the town of Merseburg itself.
- This effectively withdrew the protection of the English Common Law from the clergy, and confiscated the temporal properties of bishops who refused his levies.
- Recognizing the importance of understanding the spatial and temporal properties of ULF waves, Valery advocated the installation of magnetic observatories in Russia and in other countries.
- The resulting image forms a " streak " of light, from which the duration, and other temporal properties, of the light pulse can be inferred.
- However, a miscalculation in the wormhole's temporal properties caused the humans to lose contact with their humanimal constructs, leaving them alone on the planet.
- The Riksdag of 1682 declared that the king was empowered to bestow fiefs and take them back again, making the king the disposer of his subjects'temporal property.
- In fact, as presented in the backstory of the Cycle, unwise use of the gates'temporal properties has already decimated at least one highly advanced civilization, the qhal.
- A cross section of a tree trunk, as shown at left, reveals growth rings that can be used to find the age of the tree and the temporal properties of its environment.
- This task was used in two experiments, one utilizing fMRI and one ERP, to gauge the spatial and temporal properties, respectively, of'what'and'where'auditory processing.
- In audio systems and broadcasting specific methods are used to obtain subjectively valid results in order that different devices and signal paths may be compared regardless of the differing spectral distribution and temporal properties of the noise that they generate.
- Especially with narrowband input radiation and large broadening factors, much of the spectral broadening is initiated by input noise, causing the spectral and temporal properties of the radiation to inherit substantial variability from shot-to-shot and to be highly sensitive to the initial conditions.
- Several nominalisation strategies are used depending on the temporal properties of the relativised verb phrase :-GAn ( dIK ) for general past tense,-AAr for future / potential unrealised events, and-A turgan ( doq ) for non-perfective events are the most common.
- In 1291, in " Taxatio Ecclesiastica " ( a survey of temporal property held by religious bodies granted to King Henry VIII ), the mill ( now at " Cowtershall " ) was still recorded among the priory's assets, with an annual value of 53s 4d.
- Some of his contributions include the designing of memory efficient algorithms for the verification of temporal properties of finite-state programs, determining the complexity of testing whether programs satisfy their specifications expressed in linear-time temporal logic, and verifying that a model with timing constraints satisfies a given temporal property.
- Some of his contributions include the designing of memory efficient algorithms for the verification of temporal properties of finite-state programs, determining the complexity of testing whether programs satisfy their specifications expressed in linear-time temporal logic, and verifying that a model with timing constraints satisfies a given temporal property.
- The creation of perpetual curacies had been an ad-hoc expedient at the dissolution of the monasteries, to provide ministers for existing worshipping congregations with the minimum of disturbance to long-standing spiritual and temporal property rights, other than the transfer of those rights out of the hands of the monks and into those of lay tenants and grantees.
- One way to look at non-determinism of the kind that makes an actor dependent on the precise timing of token arrivals is that such an actor only appears to be non-deterministic if we look at it as an operator on streams, because that view abstracts from the temporal properties of the execution, and thus purposefully removes information that is used to determine the sequence in which actions fire.